Kings and Queens
Some time back, I came across this song for another project. The song is "Kings and Queens" from 30 Seconds to...
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When did the first immortal appear?
86.000 BCE (rise of civilization)12.50%110.000 BCE (neolithic revolution)25.00%240,000 BCE (behavioral modernity)25.00%2100,000 BCE (oldest known ritual burial)0%0200,000 BCE (Homo sapiens)12.50%1300,000 BCE (religious behaviors)0%0< 500,000 BCE (somewhere during the evolution of Homo erectus)25.00%2
If we take what we know from the Source, the first immortal would be way older than Methos. Because Methos is almost 5200 years...
The Multiverse
9Exactly!0%0It's a multiverse but the Prize doesn't work that way!55.56%5It's not a multiverse, everything fits in one continuity, the stories are just distorted.22.22%2It's a multiverse, but The Game, the Gathering, the Prize and 'There can be only one' are all wrong11.11%1Ridiculous, there is a better theory!11.11%1
The Highlander Universe is a multiverse in which an immortal winning the Prize in his dimension, results in that immortal being reborn in...