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What are you doing right now?
Took my final Math final today, and finished my final English paper for the semester. Just got my History final to take tomorrow, and then I'll have the summer off.
The class I'm taking is an Accelerated class. Normal, 15 weeks. Accelerated, 9 weeks. Oops. I didn't intend to sign up for that. But it's all that's on offer.
At least I've been assured that it is completely online, no chance of changing to in person.
& the instructor :headdesk: is sounding just as frazzled as I feel. (or perhaps worse.) She has a toddler at home. (Some facebook notifications of *hers* slide into her zoom videos. About her church. As she's lecturing us about standards.)
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I finally used the wheat flour pancake mix I bought forever ago. Despite that it was still good. Despite THAT I still managed to burn the first batch. Had forgotten how hot the pan could get how quickly. Second batch is okay. Swished some frozen blueberries into it!
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Just baked a batch of biscuits, then hulled and smashed a quart of strawberries - sadly, do not have access to whipped cream (or even cream to whip) right now.
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I hope your kitties get better. Give 'em all the snuggles.
That is great, Takk!
I had to take my cats to the vet. Their kidneys aren't the best in their older age, and they could not eat before the blood tests this morning. The vet has a clear plastic sheet between cash register counter and the clients. Everyone waited outside, either in their cars or various spots along the road with their dogs if they had dogs. Good hand sanitizer at the door, but it's always been there as they're a vet. My kitties were very good, despite both getting blood drawn and one getting a drip.
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I'm enjoying my new 50" 4K UHD Roku TV that I bought with my stimulus check. Not all of the check, mind you, just $200 of it. Well, $180 of it plus about $20 for the TV stand I had to buy for it since it didn't come with one. I got it super cheap because it was a display model at a local Best Buy my friend works at, and he told me about them taking it down (as they do every year around this time), and then scooped it up for me when I asked him to. It's insanely great. Even the upscaled stuff looks impressive.
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Taking a break from the news. The political sniping is beyond annoying.
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I'm taking my Accounting certificate at SaskPolyTech. Mark-wise I'm in the top third of the class.
I signed on for the online version at the beginning Now everything is online. To register for the next class the offering is worded as 'lecture/theory' with the location as my city. Then there's an additional thing: "NOTE: This course will now be online. Please login to..." So I'm a bit worried that when the restrictions are lifted I'll be required to go to the location. Er, with two kinds of scarring in my lungs I'd rather not be in the early to mid lockdown liftings. (The Canadian government is now saying they're going to do it 'in stages') Hopefully the school's disability accomodation people will help if that SNAFU threatens to rear its head.
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School is working just fine. 95.5% on my latest project- 5% above class average. The FInal Exam has been switched to an online 'final assessment'. I'll find out soon if I can continue on with the next class. (Actually expected the e-mail by now. I guess CPP disability is busier for 'some' reason.)
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Played a ball tossing game while standing without a walker or anything at therapy today in order to get used to doing things involving small movements without something to lean on. Afterwards, I did some cane training in the parallel bars, which involved walking between the bars while only holding to one side. It'll be nice to be able to walk with only a cane, again, though I hope to not even need that, eventually.
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Spending my birthday isolated watching a zombie movie with some pizza.
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Originally posted by Ceridwen View PostWaiting for the spackle to dry so I can paint.
Hello everybody!!! Good to see how others are coping with this mess. We got our cruise in under the wire, Hubby got some elective surgery done (total knee replacement) just under the wire before hospitals shut that sort of thing down, and we have lots of venison in the freezer, so we got very lucky timing-wise. Also got some TP unknowingly before the hoarding madness, but that will eventually become a problem. We live out in the country, so social distancing is a given as our nearest neighbor is almost a quarter mile away. Watching the news is pretty horrific, though.
Dub, you have an interesting perspective being away from Stateside. Takk, glad you are able to continue with your pt. Hubby's pt is basically the same thing that you mentioned with spacing appointments apart so that there's not many patients there at one time and they are diligent about sanitizing. It's a whole new world out there. But I'm ready for this to be over with forever and to get back to "normal".
Has anybody seen those god-awful videos of Chinese wet markets? Totally disgusting.
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They're only having up to two patients scheduled at the same time right now, and are wiping down everything immediately after use. Plus, most of my sessions lately have been outside, anyway, since working on getting in and out of the car on my own exercises pretty much everything (standing, walking, lifting, balance, etc), so it's a pretty minimal risk. Thanks for the concern, though!
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